Christmas Muppets in Baby Oil

In/Frame/Out makes the compelling case in this short video essay that 1992 Muppet Christmas Carol is the best and most faithful adaptation of Charles’ Dickens 1843 classic to date. We are inclined to agree.

Whatever your opinion on the ranking of the film, one thing we can ALL agree on is that the Muppet “Ghost of Christmas Past” is the single most horrifying image ever committed to film:

From Film School Rejects: “The Muppet used for the Ghost of Christmas Past was a rod puppet that was submerged into a tank filled with baby oil. However, that high quantity of baby oil proved to be too expensive, so most of the shots were done in a water tank, which achieved the same gentle flowing effect of the robes, but the water reacted with the glues and paints, causing problems.”

Happy Horrifying Holidays!